A new year, and new opportunities. We are looking forward to an exciting 2022-3 academic year, which promises to be as dynamic, exciting, and eventful as the prepandemic years. Sadly, two postdocs are moving on from the group, Dave Jukam is off to biotech and Mardo Koivomagi is off to start his own lab at the NIH. We expect to hear great things from them in the future. Two new students joined this past year. Crystal joined us from Bionengineering and Lucas from Electrical Engineering and we are excited to welcome them to our interdisciplinary team. Working on complex questions like how cell size is computed and the relationship between genome and cell size requires all kinds of expertise from all across the academic disciplines. From mathematics to molecular, cell and systems biology, all are welcome to explore options to join our group. If you are interested please contact Jan

AuthorJan Skotheim